Our new professional development program Onside Mentoring is now underway.
The first round of this program was made available to Women Onside members through an application process.
Nine diverse women were selected and matched with nine high-quality, experienced women football/sports leaders.
The aim of this structured program is help develop future game-changing leaders. We hope to empower a wide range of women to realise their potential within a specific sphere of influence in the world game.
The Onside Mentoring program will run from July to December 2021. The program has been adapted by Women Onside Director Heather Reid from similar successful programs used in sport around Australia.
The nine initial mentees come from four states and are administrators, coaches, media workers and referees.
Over the next few months we will keep you informed with further information about the program and the participants. It is planned to hold a second round beginning in early 2022.
To be eligible for this and other development programs make sure you sign up as a Women Onside member here.