Women Onside's professional development program delivered
The statistics complied by Women Onside show clearly that action needs to be taken to get more football women into football governance. Women Onside is working on it.
In September 2020 Women Onside ran a successful three-part masterclass series to help develop women for enhanced football governance roles.
The three sessions covered critical areas for aspiring and current women board members.
“The Director Journey” with Nicki Bowman and Andrea Ahearn sharing insights on governance obligations, skills and the differences between committees and boards.
“Governance 101” with Robyn Fitzroy, Nicki Bowman and Kerry Harris providing key information on governance principles, financial literacy and meeting strategy.
“Getting There and Being Effective” with Nicki Bowman and Kerry Harris looking at nomination and election processes and the electioneering and purposeful networking skills you need to win that role and to be effective going forward.
Feedback from the 45 women who undertook the program was very positive and plans are afoot for a 2021 version of the program.
